
Establishing an endowed scholarship or program fund ensures the lasting impact of your investment asgrads it benefits current and future Davidson-Davie Community College students.

Investing in the future is more than just a financial gift to the college. It means making a remarkable difference in the lives of current and future students, who will be prepared for promising careers and leadership in our community.

We are pleased to offer a variety of scholarship support opportunities:

Student Success Scholarship
Endowed, named scholarship fund to benefit students upon completion of their degrees, giving them the funds to pay remaining school debts and get started in their careers. Minimum endowment: $30,000 – payable over 5 years.

Student Excellence Scholarship
Endowed, named scholarship fund recognizing academic leadership and/or extracurricular excellence, with awards based strictly on merit. Minimum endowment: $15,000 – payable over 5 years

Student Support Scholarship (or Program Fund)
Endowed, named scholarship (or program) fund to support students with financial need or to support a program/service/initiative of Davidson-Davie Community College. Minimum endowment: $15,000 – payable over 5 years

Unendowed Scholarship
An unendowed, named scholarship (or program fund) uses the capital donated in its entirety, and does not generate interest over time, so this scholarship is supported through ongoing gifts and designed to provide the scholarship (or program) assistance of your choosing. Minimum initial gift: $1,000

Contact the Davidson-Davie Foundation Office for more information on establishing a scholarship by emailing or by calling 336-224-4680.